Dear all,
Project type: Location testing
Duration: Approx 30mins
Venue: Town area (nearest MRT = City Hall)
Date: Between 25 Sep (Fri) to 4 Oct (Sun)
Time: Weekday timings (3pm - 9.30pm), Weekend timings (11am - 8.30pm)
Incentive: $30
Looking for people of ALL RACES who are:
1) Interested to TASTE TEST some drinks.
2) MUST DRINK RTD (ready to drink) GREEN TEA from various brands
(Genmai, Pokka, Yeo's, Heaven&Earth) WEEKLY.
3) Expressive & articulate
4) Must not have participated in surveys in last 6 months.
5) Industries - must NOT be from or have closed friends or relatives
working in sensitive industries including marketing, advertising,
journalism, groceries, supermarket, convenience stores & food and
beverage related industries.
If interested, pls email to the following by 30 August 2009 & we'll contact you
to confirm:
Project name: GTEA
Most Often Brand of Green Tea drank WEEKLY: